Pineapple - delicious fruit that pleases not only in terms of gastronomy - it is actively used for the treatment of obesity. Use pineapple right Pineapple contains a small amount of calories (48 kcal / 100 g), a lot of fiber and pectin. Pineapple pulp improves digestion, promotes the normalization of stool and helps cleanse…
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Healthy life rules
When it comes to losing weight, we think mostly about beauty but we should never forget about our health. When you have already chosen the best diet supplement for you keep these easy rules to make your result lifelong. 1. Eat vegetables. Fill half your plate with crunchy vegetables. On the other side of the…
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Water is the Best Helper in Fat Loss
Any chemical reaction that takes place in your body, cannot be done without water, and fat burning is one of those processes. You can live without food for 40 days, but if you go without water for more than three days, you will not stand it. Your body stops doing its job efficiently when you…
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