15 Easy and Brilliant Weight Loss Tips

Following this proposed program, you can easily lose a few extra kilos, without experiencing excruciating hunger, which is typical for trendy diets. Tips are not complicated. Perhaps you do not even have to carry them all, so the effect will come much faster.
So, tune in to the implementation of the proposed program and let’s go!

  1. Chew carefully. Try to chew each bite of food at least 25 times before you send it to the stomach. Two positive spillover effects are not long in coming: first, well-chewed food is digested easily; secondly, you will get gums massage, which prevents periodontal disease.
  2. Two soft-boiled eggs. If you are going to a banquet, where a good dinner at home is expected, eat two boiled eggs before. This will provide you with satiety feeling, and it will be easier to resist the temptation of eating too much.
  3.  Cottage cheese. You just can not give up the dessert? Be aware that it is very dangerous for your figure. So replace them with pie cottage cheese desset with any fruit.
  4. Fasting days. You willautomaticallylose weightif you do fasting days: tea, cheese, potato. Itdoes not seem likeboring ifyou prepare meals, giving free rein to imagination.
  5. Frying pan. Do you like fried food? Then use a special Teflon frying pan for cooking which does not require fat. Or grill meat, vegetables and eggs.
  6. Raw vegetables. Every day, eat at least one dish made entirely of raw vegetables (carrots, cabbage, cucumbers). They are low-calorie and rich in vitamins.
  7. Transparent slices. Cut bread, sausage and cheese thin, transparent slices. Try to visual trick your stomach.
  8. Rice day. Rice contains little sodium (binding liquid in the body), but much potassium (expelling it). If at least once a week you will arrange a day of rice (you can only add a mineral neutral or alkaline water but not oil!), You will lose up to 1 kg of body fluids and end products of metabolism.
  9. The small plates. Serve in small dishes. So you will automatically eat less.
  10. Go shopping ONLY after breakfast. Never go to the store with an empty stomach. Otherwise, you buy more products than you really need.
  11. Make a holiday every day. You would not need any diet, if you turn every meal into a small celebration. So now you'll never eat in front of the TV on. You enjoy the food. You digest it better. You lose weight.
  12. Sweets as a reward. Hide all sweets that can contribute to weight gain. Come up with a sort of ritual before you send a caramel in your mouth, reward yourself for a hard day or work.
  13. The glass of water. Drink a glass of water in 10 minutes before each meal, it is desirable to drink a glass of mineral. The stomach is filled, felt less hungry. In addition, you get minerals that speed up digestion.
  14. Chewing gum. Chew your chewing gum with no sugar. It will help to blunt the feeling of hunger.
  15. Fish Day. Arrange the fish once a week day. The requirements for vitamin D will be covered for a whole week. Fish, except for some species, is low in fat and saturates well. Marine fish also reduces cholesterol in the blood.

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