Lipozene Weight Loss Claims Might Not Be Real
The multi-million dollar weight loss industry offers tons of titles that promise to take all the extra weight away without any strength. Most manufacturers advertise their products as follows, ‘just one pill helps you losing 20-40 pounds’ and a lot of them have even never tested what they offer. If you consider taking Lipozene you should first read Lipozene reviews, list of its ingredients and possible side effects.
Lipozene is manufactured by Obesity Research Institute LLC [the company based in Los Angeles, U.S.], and it is well known for its ‘crazy claims’ that are not even close to the reality. The FTC fined 1.5 million dollars for its miracle weight loss promises back in 2005. It used to produce dietary supplements Propolene and Fiberthin that were fiber-based products just like Lipozene is now.
Lipozene Ingredients
The product is based on fiber Glucomannan. This dietary fiber comes from Konjac root. Lipozene also includes another Glucomannan (Microrystalline cellulose), Titanium Dioxide, Gelatin, Stearic Acid, Magnesium Silicate plus added colors.
The main ingredient (Glucomannan) is used in some countries as bowel issue treatment and constipation relief. Experts still cannot answer the question whether this particular fiber helps to lose weight or not. Double blind tests were successful but they do not prove the fat loss effect of Glucomannan which was by the way included into both Fiberthin and Propolene.
In other words, Lipozene looks to be just a refurbished version of the previously banned weight loss supplements. It just got new legal changes in the company’s claims.
Lipozene Side Effects
This weight loss supplement could have potential side effects. Even though its manufacturer assures that its herbal product Lipozene has no side effects individuals report otherwise.
According to those who tried to lose weight using Lipozene, the most common side effect is excess gas. While flatulence is not dangerous, it is pretty unpleasant and uncomfortable.
There are other possible side effects to consider. They include mild or even severe diarrhea, abdominal cramps and stomach pain, bloating and allergic reactions (itching, swelling and rashes). There could be also potential problems with swallowing the pill.
All these possible issues make it nearly impossible to use Lipozene regularly. The main ingredient, Glucomannan, can stay in the intestine for a long while making it hard for human body to absorb nutrients from meals. It might be great to take vitamin supplements along with this product if you ever decide to give it a try.
Anyways, talk to your physician before you start your weight loss program with Lipozene. Remember that exercising and diet is much better than any pills. Miracles when people on the ads lose weight by just taking pills, eating and not exercising are only advertisements and Lipozene manufacturer was sued in the past for making unreal weight loss claims.
In case you experience any side effects or health problems while taking your weight loss supplement you should stop taking the product and seek medical help immediately.